Single-Wall Round/Flat Oval Duct and Fittings
Double-Wall Round/Flat Oval Duct and Fittings
Single-Wall Rectangular Duct and Fittings
Rectangular-k27® Duct and Fittings
Exposed Duct
SilverGuard™ Antimicrobial Ductwork
Uni-Gasket® Self-Sealing Fittings
Uni-Coat™ - Polyvinyl-Chloride-Coated Steel Ductwork
Uni-Quick™ Movable Duct System
Duct-D-Fuser™ Terminal Outlets
Factair™ Terminal Outlets
Volume Control Dampers
Access Doors
Leak Detective® Test Equipment
Uni-Housing™ Pressurized Enclosures
Sounpak® HVAC Silencers
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Leak Detective Smoke Delivery Systems
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Tech Bulletin #3.3 - Selecting a Duct Leakage Test Apparatus
Tech Bulletin #3.2 - System Leakage Comparison
Tech Bulletin #3.1 - What is an Allowable Duct System Leakage Specification?
Tech Bulletin #2 - New IECC Commercial R-Value Compliance
Insulation R-Value changes proposed by the IECC will effect your specification of insulated ductwork.
Tech Bulletin #1 - Simpler Designs Can Be Better Designs
This Tech Bulletin shows how over-engineering can cause problems rather than provide solutions.
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Design Advisory #11 - Rectangular Duct Systems Are Not Cheaper Than Spiral Flat Oval Duct Systems!
Design Advisory #10 - How Does Room Effect Affect Room Acoustics?
Design Advisory #9 - Designing Quietly
Design Advisory #8 - What's that Noise?
Design Advisory #7 - Don't Touch that Damper!
Design Advisory #6 - Adaptable Exhaust Systems Can Offer Cost Savings
Design Advisory #5 - Exhaust and Return Duct Systems are Not Equal!
Design Advisory #4 - This proof-of-concept shows how gasketed fittings saves on assembly costs.
(Self-Sealing Fittings Save Up to 30 to 40 Percent Assembly Time)
Design Advisory #3 - Product Substitutions Not Always a Value
Design Advisory #2 - Excellent Duct System Designs Require Design, Not Guesswork!
Design Advisory #1 - The Fundamentals of Duct System Design
Click the links to view the documents.
Trend Brief #2 - Closed Cell Foam - An Acceptable Acoustical Duct Lining?
Get the pros and cons before making your specification.
Trend Brief #1 - The Role of Antimicrobial-Coated Ductwork in Indoor Air Quality.
Learn how antimicrobial ductwork such as McGill's SilverGuard™ duct inhibits microbial growth and contributes to improving indoor air quality.